Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Mission to New Zealand, P.S.

This post ought really to be attached to the end of our old blog, because it was inspired by a recent visit from one of the (now grown) youth whom we served during our mission years in New Zealand.

Charlotte came to the States on a "nun run"; believing that the Lord is calling her to religious life, she spent a few weeks visiting various convents across this country (and serving in Haiti as well).  She also got a VERY up-close-and-personal "Come and See" experience of Catholic family life. In fact, it was so up-close-and-personal that I feel utterly confident that her vocation to celibacy was assured by the second afternoon of her nine day stay at Casa Sealy. 

The last time Charlotte spent any time with this family, we were in New Zealand with an almost 5 year old, a 2 year old, a sick newborn and a little one on the way. Now - the eldest in nearly 8 and was delighted to see her old babysitter once again. The former 2 year old is five and a half - she remembers nothing of Charlotte or New Zealand, but was delighted to get reacquainted with both (see below). The sick baby is a miraculously healthy little boy and the "little one" has never been called "little" since he burst out on American soil weighing nearly nine pounds. Plus, we now have another fat baby - our only child with absolutely no claim on New Zealand :(
Charlotte knew exactly the way to their hearts: 
Kiwi "lollies" and "biscuits"

She asked them to help her learn how to play in snow!

They hoped this Kiwi girl would never leave! But, alas, she did. At 4:30 this morning, to be exact. But not before she witnessed a promise made. Rich wants me to start blogging and he extracted a promise from me to post photos from Charlotte's visit and photos of the latest pegs. So, in fulfillment of my word....

Vietnamese Martyr, St Valentine, Queen Esther, St Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe

Charlotte and I had one lovely evening when she painted a gorgeous Peg of Our Lady and I crafted a St Cecilia, but we hid her peg from the sticky (in every sense) hands of my children before I photographed it.  When she gets home from Haiti, I'll have her email me a photo of her peg and post it in here. 

Charlotte and I also prayed Stations of the Cross with the kids, using the Passion Pegs or Resurrection Peg Set I'd made a few months ago. As each Station was announced, the kids picked out the appropriate pegs, arranged them, and even built appropriate props (like a cross and a tomb) out of wooden blocks. It was the best way I have ever prayed the Stations with kids - by far!  They have been busy with the pegs even when we are not using them for Stations - they've had those pegs act out nearly every part of the latter half of the Gospels. 

Judas arranging to turn Jesus over to the Pharisees

In the Garden of Olives, Peter, James & John witness Jesus betrayed with a kiss

With Pilate

"Behold the Man!"

Veronica & Simon of Cyrene
Maria is so proud of this cunning Cross she built

"It is finished."
At the tomb on Easter Morning

Reinstating Peter on the beach

So, there we go. Up and running after many months. Safe travels to Charlotte and we look forward to welcoming you back to the States - in a habit ;)